
Location:Home?>?Investor Relations?>?Corporate Governance?>?Board Committees
Board Committees

Strategy and Investment Committee

The primary responsibilities of the Strategy and Investment Committee include, among other things, reviewing proposals and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the Company’s strategic development plans, annual budget, capital allocation plan, major merges and acquisitions, major investment and financing plans and material internal reorganisation. Currently the Strategy Committee comprises Mr. Chen Yun and Mr. Chen Wenjian, who are executive directors, and Mr. Chung Shui Ming Timpson, Mr. Zhang Cheng and Mr. Xiu Long who are independent non-executive directors, and is chaired by Mr. Chen Yun.

CHEN Yun Chairman of the Strategy Committee
CHEN Wenjian Member of the Strategy Committee
CHUNG Shui Ming Timpson Member of the Strategy Committee
ZHANG Cheng Member of the Strategy Committee
XIU Long Member of the Strategy Committee

Audit and Risk Management Committee

The primary responsibilities of the Audit and Risk Management Committee are:(1) making recommendations to the Board of Directors on the appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditors, and approving the remuneration and terms of engagement of the external auditors;(2) reviewing and overseeing the external auditors’ independence and objectivity and the effectiveness of the audit process;(3) overseeing the integrity of the financial statements of the Company and the Company’s annual report and accounts, interim report and quarterly reports, and reviewing significant financial reporting judgments contained in such reports;(4) overseeing the Company’s financial reporting system and risk management and internal control procedures, including but not limited to, reviewing the financial control, risk management and internal control systems, deliberating on actions to be taken in respect of any findings of major investigations of risk management and internal control matters as delegated by the Board of Directors or at its own initiative and management’s response thereto, and reviewing the Group’s financial and accounting policies and practices; and(5) reviewing arrangements that employees of the Company can use, in confidence, to raise concerns about possible improprieties in financial reporting, internal control or other matters.

The Audit and Risk Management Committee’s terms of reference are available on the websites of the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The Audit and Risk Management Committee currently comprises Mr. CHUNG Shui Ming Timpson, Mr. WEN Limin and Mr. ZHANG Cheng who are independent non-executive directors of the Company, and is chaired by Mr. CHUNG Shui Ming Timpson.

CHUNG Shui Ming Timpson Chairman of the Audit Committee
WEN Limin Member of the Audit Committee
ZHANG Cheng Member of the Audit Committee

Remuneration Committee

The primary responsibilities of the Remuneration Committee are:(1) making recommendations to the Board of the Directors on the Company’s policy and structure for remuneration of directors and senior management and on the formulation of a formal and transparent process for developing policy on such remuneration;(2) reviewing and approving the management’s remuneration proposals with reference to the corporate goals and objectives set by the Board of Directors;(3) determining, as authorised by the Board of Directors the specific remuneration packages of individual executive directors and senior management, including benefits in kind, pension rights and compensation payments, including any compensation payable for loss or termination of their office or appointment, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors in relation to the remuneration of non-executive directors;(4) considering salaries paid by comparable companies, time commitment and responsibilities and employment conditions elsewhere in the group; and(5) ensuring that no director or any of his associates is involved in deciding his own remuneration. The Remuneration Committee’s terms of reference are available on the websites of the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The Remuneration Committee currently comprises Mr. XIU Long, Mr. WEN Limin and Mr. ZHANG Cheng who are independent non-executive directors, and is chaired by Mr. XIU Long.

XIU Long Chairman of the Remuneration Committee
WEN LImin Member of the Remuneration Committee
ZHANG Cheng Member of the Remuneration Committee

?Nomination Committee

The primary responsibilities of the Nomination Committee are:(1) formulating the standards, procedures and methods for election of directors and senior management of the Company and submitting the same to the Board of Directors for consideration;(2) identifying individuals suitably qualified to become board members and select and nominate individuals for directorship or make ecommendations to the Board of Directors in this regard; reviewing he candidates for directors and President and make recommendations;(3) reviewing the structure, size and composition (including the skills, knowledge and experience) of the Board of Directors at least annually and making recommendations on any changes to the Board of Directors proposed to support the Company’s corporate strategy;(4) making proposals regarding candidates for directors, shareholder representative supervisors and general managers of wholly owned subsidiaries; making proposals regarding candidates for directors, shareholder representative supervisors and general managers of subsidiaries controlled by the Company and subsidiaries in which the Company has equity participation;(5) assessing the independence of independent non-executive directors of the Company; and(6) making recommendations to the Board of Directors on the appointment or re-appointment of directors and succession planning for directors, in particular the Chairman and the President.

The Nomination Committee’s terms of reference are available on the websites of the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The Nomination Committee currently comprises Mr. CHEN Yun, who are executive directors and Mr. CHUNG Shui Ming Timpson and Mr. XIU Long who are independent non-executive directors, and is chaired by Mr.CHEN Yun.

CHEN Yun Chairman of the Nomination Committee
CHUNG Shui Ming Timpson Member of the Nomination Committee
XIU Long Member of the Nomination Committee

Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee

The primary responsibilities of the Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee include, among other things, providing guidance, inspecting and evaluating the implementation of the Company’s plans on safety, employees’ health and environmental protection, making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding material matters relating to safety, health and environmental protection.

The Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee currently comprises of Mr. CHEN Wenjian and Mr. WANG Shiqi who are executive directors, and Mr. WEN Limin, Mr.ZHANG Cheng and Mr. XIU Long who are independent non-executive directors, and is chaired by Mr. CHEN Wenjian.

CHEN Wenjian Chairman of the Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee
WANG Shiqi Member of the Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee
WEN Limin Member of the Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee
ZHANG Cheng Member of the Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee
XIU Long Member of the Safety, Health and Environmental Protection Committee